Hi Jennifer and everyone else.
We now have a "file upload" option at the bottom of the page. The max size is 10 MB, and we can upload the following file types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, mov, avi, mp4, mpeg, jpeg, gif, flv
Let me know if there are other file types we need to add to this.
Also, you need to login to see any uploaded files, and to use the feature. I can also make these publicly view-able on request, but would suggest that we submit any outstanding tutorials to XCITR (first citation of this paper, <a href="http://www.xcitr.org/">http://www.xcitr.org/</a>) for peer review and a more public dissemination.
When we finish our assignment the directions say "post it in the OLCC course platform for others to benefit". Where is the OLCC course platform? Please clarify.
Only working for faculty
File Upload Option
Good Question
Module 1a question