Description: Create your own guide, based on your experience answering one of the research questions below (Note: You may also choose a research question you are currently working on). Use a flow-chart model for the guide, based on inquiry steps and post it in the OLCC course platform for others to benefit.
1.choose one of the questions
2.using one or more of the recommended sources in the list below, search for chemical data and information to answer the question
3.evaluate the validity of the data and information you used
4.cite the source properly using the ACS style.
5.make a tutorial-style guide to teach your peers using the resource you used to search for the needed data and information the tutorial on the course platform
Research questions:
1.What is the melting point of the drug Lipitor?
2.Which solvent is greener, Benzyl Alcohol or Toluene?
3.Which common organic compounds are incompatible with Acetone and in what condition?
4.Trace the research pathway that lead to the ring-opening metathesis polymerization technique through reference and citation linking.
You may use one or more secondary resources listed below based on the availability at your institution. Please consider how well these resources could provide data and/or information and if the data and/or information you identified there would be considered scholarly?
●Google or any other search engine
●Google Scholar
●Web of Science
The tutorial can be text description (with screenshots), or video/audio, and other multimedia. The tutorial should guide your peers to:
●Access the secondary resource(s)
●Perform a search or searches relevant to answering the research question
●Narrow down the search results with tools provided by the resource
●Locate the fulltext where the data and/or information needed were presented
Make sure the tutorial includes:
●Your answer to the research question based on data and/or information you find.
●Evaluation of the validity of the data and/or information you use
●Citations to the data and information sources and resources used ( ACS style recommended)
Tips and tools for making a tutorial:
●To take screenshots,
○on a Mac, use Command + Shift + 4 and then drag to select the area to shot. Image saved on desktop as .png file. (Read more at )
●Free screencasting software
○Jing/ (
○More options and comparisons at
●An example of tutorial with screenshots
●See examples of video tutorials in the tutorials linked in the Database table under the section Accessing and Searching Chemical Information Databases.
Comments 6
Module 1a question
Good Question
File Upload Option
Only working for faculty
Students can now see upload file
I see the "upload file", but...