Bob H is going to have to check me on this, but I think your problem relates to different ways that Resolver and JME treat quaternary nitrogen. If you right-click on JME, you will see a prompt to copy or paste a molfile. The JME molfile explicitly shows the quaternary nitrogen charge. If you paste this JME molfile back into JME, you get the correct result.
By the way, if you actually want to see the charges in Jmol, you are going to have to use some Jmol Script. Right click the Jmol window and select console. In the console, type and then run: color label pink; select formalCharge <> 0;label %C
Bob can automate that for you in this Hack-a-Mol app if it's an important issue.
I'm almost certain it's a Resolver issue. If I extract the JME file for the glycine zwitterion from JME, I get the following with charge designation on oxygen:
5 4 O- 13.15 -5.14 C 11.70 -5.97 O 11.70 -7.64 C 10.24 -5.14 N+ 8.80 -5.97 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 1 4 5 1
JME file on Resolver goes way back to Markus. I think this is a case of Resolver not keeping up with changes in the JME file structure. By the way, the above loads correctly in Jmol.