I have a similar problem. It seems that the number of webservice calls that you can make from one google sheet is limited to 50. Please see this document:
I found this is very discouraging because many informatics projects often require hundreds or thousands of calls to import data from the web.
Microsoft Excel has a function called "webserivce", which is similar to IMPORTDATA in google sheet.
OR if you need to use a cell identifier (e.g., A4) in the URL:
But I also found that excel has its own problem (e.g., not easy to share with other people). So, which is better would heavily rely on the nature of your project.
The Excel implementation seems to be much faster. THis also gets around the 50 link limit. I have an excel sheet with over 100 molecules now that I am trying to convert name to SMILES through opsin. Thank you for figuring this out.On thing that I cannot figure out is that I would like to have an image in the spreadsheet from the OPSIN or Pubchem websites. THis was really easy to do with the google sheet, but doesn't seem to be allowing me to do it in Excel. For example, I can put the following in my google sheet and it will display an image from OPSIN that correlates with the name. =IMAGE("http://opsin.ch.cam.ac.uk/opsin/"&B4&".png")My simple work around is to use the google sheet with the above image, and then copy and paste into the excel spreadsheet. I have tried to find if it is possible in excel, but so far it looks like this is only a function in google sheets.