Hello All,
I wanted to share with you all my project that I am working on here at Centre. During my time as a student, I have learned how long it can take to look up one literature spectrum to see if it is a potential contaminant within an obtained spectrum. For this, I have created a Java program that can access a database, retrieve the pertinent signal values, and then graph them on a plot to allow you to see where they are. Currently the program does work with hydrogen NMR, but I plan to expand this to carbon NMR as well.
Here is a current list of to-dos for the program.
1. Allow the program to work with Carbon NMR
2. Determine why certain InCHIs will not work with the database.
3. Find a better graphing system than the normal JFrame/JPanel system that I am using for Java.
4. Automate the InCHI input process by allowing the user to enter the common name of the compound they are seeking.
Please let me know if you all have any ideas! I plan on submitting the files to github soon.
NMR Project in Progress
Sun, 10/11/2015 - 00:33
NMR Project in Progress