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Robert Belford
Robert Belford's picture

The "About Us" page, http://olcc.ccce.divched.org/bios , is a randomized Drupal "View" of the Drupal content type "Bios".  Lecturers and Facilitators have access to generate "bios" describing who they are. The idea of the bios is to let people know who we are, and why we are involved with the Cheminformatics OLCC.  These probably should have both professional and personal components.  We want to use the bios to attract people to become involved with the project.


  • Log-In
  • A black "Jump Menu" appears at the top of any page on the site 
    • go to Content/Add Content/Bios
  • Please use your full name (not a username) like Bob Belford (not rebelford)
  • Below the "Body" choose "Full HTML" in the drop-down box of the WYSIWYG editor.
  • YOU MUST INCLUDE A TEASER BREAK, (It is the last icon of the WYSIWYG).  Everything above the Teaser Break will show on the "About Us" page. Please have no more than one paragraph above the teasar break
  • Please Upload an image of yourself, then click inside the WYSIWYG editor where you want the image, then go to the image and click "insert". 
    • Please start each bios with an image that is left justified
    • To Justify
      • click on image
      • click image icon on WYSIWYG (left of text color icon)
      • click alignment, and set.
    • You can add additional images as you like.
    • Maximum image size of 80 kB.
  • Note the default value for "bios" content type is "No revision" (scroll to bottom just above the save/preview/delete buttons).  If you change this to "Create a new revision", it will function as a wiki, and save the old version.



  • Teasers are randomly sorted on the view, http://olcc.ccce.divched.org/bios
  • The idea is someone can quickly look at the people involved with the project, and give both a human and a professional feel to it.
  • "bios" is a drupal "content type" (like blog, page, forum....) that we created to introduce the team to the public.
  • "bios" has 3 fields, title, body and image.
  • the bios is not connected to your user accound and does not contain contact information, and the like.