2.4 Computer Languages for Information Science

While this class is not a course in programming, it is useful to know what it is out there that can be used to manipulate information, perform calculations, and organize data. As this is an introduction we will just touch on three that scientists/web developers use, but there are many more - each with different advantages.  This discussion does not include the hard code application development platforms like C++, C#, etc.

Desktop Application (Windows, Mac) – Microsoft Excel

A lot of people think that Microsoft Excel is really for business people and not scientists.  Certainly, Microsoft caters to the business community in terms of the table formats, graphics, and cell functions.  Nonetheless, Excel has functionality that can be used in the context of informatics and as you will see later in the course can talk to webservers (websites) to retrieve data.

Excel has programming built-in in two ways. First, there are the in-cell functions. These are useful for text manipulation and basic math operations (see http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/excel-formulas-and-functions-for-dummies-cheat-she.html).  There are also some statistical functions like mean (AVERAGE), mode (MODE), median (MEDIAN) standard deviation (STDEV), as well as some more sophisticated functions related to linear regression (SLOPE and INTERCEPT).

Excel worksheet functions

Then there is the much more sophisticated Visual Basic for Applications, (VBA), which sits behind Excel and is used to record the Macro’s run in Excel.  VBA is much more a true programming language allowing for declaration of variables, loop structures, if-then-else conditionals and user defined functions.  The script below is a quick example of how to check for strings to be a particular format – in this case the International Chemical Identifier, or InChI string (more later on this).  This script tries to match the pattern that is defined to the text in each cell to tell if the string ‘looks’ like a valid InChI string.  Whether it is would have to be tested in other ways…

Excel worksheet functions

Excel vba script

Command Line Application (Any platform) – R

R (yes just the letter R) is a very popular statistical computing and graphics environment (see https://www.r-project.org/).  R is sophisticated and extremely powerful so there is no way to show off its capabilities in a brief introduction but to give you a flavor here are some things you can do.  R is natively a command line application, so it does not have a graphical user interface (GUI) built-in that means it launches like other applications – you run it from the command line in the terminal.  There are however many GUI’s for R – for example RStudio (https://www.rstudio.com).

In order to get data into R to do something with it you must either enter it or import it from a text file. If we look back at the linear regression example from Excel we see we have two arrays of data, the x data points (concentration) and the y data points (absorbance).  If we wanted to enter these into R we would do it like this.

sh-3.2# R (run R)
> xpoints <- c(0.00,1.00,2.00,3.00,4.00)
> ypoints <- c(0.0000,0.1204,0.2423,0.3671,0.4901)
> lsfit(xpoints,ypoints)
Intercept         X
-0.00140   0.12269

[1]  0.00140 -0.00089 -0.00168  0.00043  0.00074

We enter the x and y data points as matrixes (you can also think of them as arrays) and then use them as inputs to the lsfit (least squares fit) function that is defined in R.  It immediately spits out the slope, intercept and residuals (the differences between the y values and the calculated y values from the equation) as well as a lot of other details not shown above.

Browser Application (Any platform) – PHP

In the early days of the Internet every webpage you accessed was static, that is, it was a page of text in a file that had to be updated manually to change it.  Today, the majority of websites are built using scripts that dynamically created the page when it is requested.  This is because we expect sophistication (features), information (content), and immediacy (its up to date).  Therefore, the web server needs to things to create the web pages: content (typically stored in a database – see the next section) and a scripting language that can logically build the page based on a set of commands.  Current the most popular language to do this is called Pre-Hypertext Processor, or PHP (see http://php.net/).

Just like R, it is impossible to show how capable PHP is in generating web pages on the fly, but a brief example script below shows how to calculate some statistics in a web page, with the output shown below it.

$data = [0.0000,0.1204,0.2423,0.3671,0.4901];
echo "Data: ".implode(", ",$data)."<br />";
echo "Total: ".array_sum($data)."<br />";
echo "Minimum: ".min($data)."<br />";
echo "Maximum: ".max($data)."<br />";
echo "Mean: ".$mean."<br />";
foreach($data as $point) {
echo "Std. Dev: ".sqrt($sumsquares/(count($data)-1));

PHP webpage

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Comments 6

Brian Murphy | Tue, 09/08/2015 - 09:15
Of all the applications out there which one do you find the most useful for a chemist to master? In other words which application is used the most by professional chemist. It seems that in undergraduate work I used excel primarily, but I would like to know if excel seems to be widely used in the field as well. Thanks.

Dr. Wild | Tue, 09/08/2015 - 09:26
I think Excel will get you a long way. For anything involving depictions chemical structures, ChemDraw is mastering. ChemDraw/Excel integrates with Excel. R is very good for advanced statistical analysis that goes beyond the capabilities of Excel.

Stuart Chalk's picture
Stuart Chalk | Tue, 09/08/2015 - 11:25
I agree with David. Much of my work in the lab in graduate school, as a postdoc, and as a faculty member at UNF was/is processed using Excel. This includes, export of data from instruments, organization of experiment data (looking at trends over a set of experiments), and linear regression (Excel can do a lot).

Sunghwan Kim | Tue, 09/08/2015 - 12:17
I also agree that MS Excel is the most commonly used applications that students should get familiar with. However, when the amount of data that you are dealing with becomes bigger than what MS Excel can handle, you cannot use MS Excel. For example, the maximum size of a spreadsheet that the current version of Excel can support is 1,048,576 (rows) by 16,384 (columns). (For Excel 97-2003, it was much smaller, 65,536 rows by 256 columns). If you run a high-throughput screening of a compound library containing 2 million compounds, you will not be able to directly import the data into a single Excel spreadsheet, because the spreadsheet can hold only up to 1,048,576 compounds. It is very rare to see this kind of big data in a typical chemistry lab, but we do see such big data in cheminformatics studies. Unfortunately, there is no widely used software that can readily handle extremely large-size data, although some statistical programs (like “R”) provide some functionality for big data analysis. In many cases, you will need to write a code (using a programming language) to analyze the data.

Milind Khadilkar's picture
Milind Khadilkar | Tue, 09/08/2015 - 12:55
With focus shifting to openness, it would have been great had the open source LibreOffice Calc (or even OpenOffice Calc) or Google Sheets stood up to Microsoft's proprietary Excel. Unfortunately they don't, as of now: a strictly personal opinion. (Excel is not available on Linux platforms, and that is a major problem!) When number of data items is a constraint, csv files are a great help. They can be read by all the above spreadsheet applications; all spreadsheet applications can output/export csv files. Handling csv files is easy using a programming language like Python. But this topic is not about programming languages. Regards, ~Milind

Alex Williams (not verified) | Tue, 09/15/2015 - 00:36
For those coding on Macs, I thought I would share my knowledge on text editors that could be of some use. Sublime Text, while not free, does have an evaluation trial in which one can use all features freely. XCode- Not necessarily made for many coding languages, but can definitely be used to speed up the process in multiple coding languages. Visual Studio Code- Just released by Microsoft, while not an IDE in totality, it can be very useful in editing code.
