2.2 Information Data Types

Looking back at the telephone number in the previous section our identification of the characters is based off of two things – the fact that there are only digits and hyphens, and the pattern of digits and hyphens.  Again though the computer knows nothing of this, it just knows that there is a string of 12 characters. So, in the context of humans representing information in computers it is not just important for us to use characters, we also need to know generically what they represent.  This is critical to everything we do on a computer because we need to know how to process the characters.

In a broad sense characters represent either; text, numbers, or special formats.  In the context of discussing the common ‘data types’ we are going to reference those that are used in the relational database software ‘MySQL’.  More about what MySQL actually is later, for now we will look at the ways in which the program represents information that it stores (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/data-types.html for more details).

Numeric types

Representation of different numeric values is important because it is dependent on how they are used.  Choosing the right type is critical to making sure there are no inconsistencies, especially when making comparisons or rounding in calculations.

  • Integers – You would think that there is only one type of integer (i.e. an exact number), but it turns out that we have to think about how much space we use up storing the number on a computer not just its type.  MySQL defines TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT, and BIGINT.  The definitions of these are based on how big the number is they can represent which in turn is based off how many bytes are used to store the number.  For each of these (like all numeric values) you also have to specify if the first bit of the leading byte indicates ± or not.
  • Fixed Point Numbers – DECIMAL (or NUMERIC) in MySQL are used to store values with a defined precision (a set number of decimal places) and thus are non-integer exact numbers. Using the syntax DECIMAL(X,Y) you can define a decimal with X total digits (max 65) and Y decimal digits (max 30), so DECIMAL(4,2) allows you to store from -99.99 through +99.99.
  • Floating Point Numbers – Very important in computers, and chemistry, floating point numbers FLOAT and DOUBLE are used to represent non-exact decimal numbers that range from very small to very large.  The difference between FLOAT and DOUBLE is FLOAT uses four bytes to store the number (accurate to seven decimal places) and DOUBLE uses eight bytes (accurate to 14 decimal places).  FLOAT is normally good enough for scientific calculations as it can store -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38 and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38. These definitions work with the common IEEE standard of floating point arithmetic (see https://dx.doi.org/10.1109%2FIEEESTD.2008.4610935)

String Types

The differences between string types is primarily based on how much space they take up and how easy they are to search.  Thinking about the application of the string is important especially deciding if a string should be exclusive or inclusive.  Also, realize that there are situations where you might want to store a number as a string.

  • Fixed Length Strings – CHAR allows you to define a string of characters (up to 30) of an exact length.  If the string length is lower than the number of characters it is padded with spaces after the text. TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT store 255, 65,535, 16,777,215, and 4,294,967,296 characters respectively (no extra spaces).
  • Variable Length Strings - VARCHAR allows you to define a string up to 65,535 characters in length – it therefore has a variable maximum length.  No spaces are added.
  • Predefined String Types – There are times where you want to store strings but not just anything.  Take for example a field that stores the size of a shirt – small, medium, or large.  Using ENUM (short for enumerated) you define the list of possible strings that the field can take.  If you try and store any other value nothing gets stored.  You can also expand this idea to use more than one value from a defined list using SET.  You might recognize these string types as they are commonly used to populate dropdown menus and multiple select lists in web pages.

Other Types

There are many other types of information that are stored, some common ones are:

  • Dates, Times and Timestamps – Common formats exist for representation of dates and exact points in time.  These of course are just special format text strings that are standardized so that computers can interpret them (you can do the same for telephone numbers, social security numbers, etc.).  DATE format is 'YYYY-MM-DD', TIME format is 'HH:MM:SS', and DATETIME is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.  TIMESTAMP looks the same as DATETIME except it stores the data internal factoring in the local time zone using the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format (see http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html)
  • Boolean – True or False is stored as a TINYINT(1) where 1 is true and 0 is false
  • Binary – Everything so far has be stored in character strings but there are situations where you might want to store byte strings – or binary.  This is more technical than we need so we don’t have to worry about it.  It is fun to point out though that Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) can be used to store binary files like images, audio, etc.

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