1.1 IUPAC names and related names (for organic compounds)

  • Systematic name1: A chemical name generated according to the IUPAC nomenclature, which is a systematic method of naming chemical compounds, recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (http://www.iupac.org).
  • Common or trivial name2: a non-systematic, traditional name that is widely used in industry as well as in academia.
  • Retained name: a trivial name that may be used in the IUPAC nomenclature.
  • IUPAC name: a systematic name that meets the recommended IUPAC rules.  Strictly speaking, IUPAC names include both systematic and retained names, but the terms “IUPAC name” and “systematic name” are often used interchangeably in many publications.
  • Preferred IUPAC name3 (PIN): a name that is preferred among two or more IUPAC names.  In 2013, the IUPAC revised the rules for determining preferred IUPAC names, detailed in the so-called “IUPAC blue book”.4 However, this book is not freely available due to copyright.  A previous version of the blue book is available here.
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